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Key Features

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Submit, track and assign tickets to one or more team members

Knowledge Base

Decrease support requests with the integrated knowledge base

Save Time & Save Money

Receive, delegate and process customer requests in record time

Calendar & Schedule

Plan, forecast, and organize your team’s projects and tasks


Track productivity levels to the minute with one click

Easy & Intuitive

Easy to use, fast, lightweight, and user-friendly system


Custom-tailored to suit your business and operational needs

Web Based Technology

No software required access from any computer, any device, anytime.

Multi Language

Available in English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, and Dutch

24-7 Support

We can be at your side in minutes via Skype and TeamViewer.

High Security Standards

ISO certified, DDOS protection, daily/30-Day recursive backups, and SSL

Responsive Design

Designed to automatically adapt to all device resolutions

24-7 Support

You can request support through our website using a support request ticket 24-7. You can also contact us via Skype, social media, iMessenger, WhatsApp, or telephone. Urgent matters will be given priority and responded to immediately. Routine requests will be responded to within one business day or less.

Try It for 30 days

When you get started, we will set up, fully configure and customize your ticket system. No setup fee or payment is required at this time. After 30 days, if you do not like your ticket system, you do not pay.

Add Users

Staff members and managers with administrator privileges can add/remove users and change user account settings and privileges. We can set up user “type” templates to streamline this process for you.

Assign Tickets

Easily assign a ticket to a staff member in one click. The time, date, and reassignment will be automatically recorded in the audit log, ensuring accountability and transparency.

Audit Log

The audit log/trail records the times, dates, and the staff members who worked on the ticket. It is available for all staff members to see and can be found at the bottom of every ticket.

Automatic Refresh

The ticket system automatically refreshes the home view to the time interval specified in the staff member’s profile, ensuring that team members will always have an up-to-date overview of all new and existing tickets.


We will add your logo to all the email templates when setting up your ticket system to further enhance a professional appearance and build brand awareness.


Staff members can easily add events or modify an event by dragging them or editing them directly. Open tickets with a due date are also displayed as events and can be modified through the calendar.

Calendar Reminders

The calendar can generate email reminders before an event or when tickets with due dates become overdue. Staff members’ profiles can be configured to receive or not receive the reminders in various ways.

Client Side Form Validation

Form validation prevents customers from submitting incomplete support tickets. All mandatory question fields must be completed for the submit ticket button to become activated, allowing the customer to click and submit their request.

Copy Ticket

Copy ticket allows staff members to open a new ticket, using the customer contact details of an existing ticket, saving time for staff members who work with repeat customers who make multiple requests in one ticket.

Canned Response

Canned responses are prewritten answers to questions commonly asked by your customers. Canned responses make replying to customers more efficient and also help to keep the tone and language consistent in all responses.

Create Ticket Templates

Ticket templates can be used to quickly complete tickets created by staff members in the back-end of the ticket system to prefill the subject and message of a ticket.

Cross Browser Compatible

The ticket system will work with Internet Explorer 11/Edge and the current versions of Firefox, Safari, Chrome, and Opera.

Custom Category

Categories are useful for organizing tickets according to relevance and assigning them efficiently to the appropriate staff member. For example, any sales-related tickets would be assigned to the sales category and worked by a sales specialist. Other examples of categories would be departments, service requests, work orders, reservations, or general questions.

Custom Status

By default, your ticket system comes with the following statuses: new, waiting for reply, reply, on hold, in progress, and resolved (completed/closed) allowing staff members to quickly assess sort, and filter tickets from the home view. We can add, remove and customize any status for you.

Custom Submit Form

The Submit Ticket form is used to gather information from your customers. By default, the form comes with the following built-in items: name, email, category subject, and the option for adding attachments. We can customize the form to match the information you require from your customers.

Custom View

Displays tickets according to what is most relevant in your default view. Customize your view by sorting, filtering tickets in a few clicks. No matter what you change when filtering tickets, your default view can be reloaded in one click.

Custom Email Templates

We will set up and customize your email templates for you, using the logo and written content you provide.

Delete/Merge Tickets

Easily delete tickets or merge tickets with one click (staff member accounts require permission for the setting).

Drag & Drop Attachments

Drag and drop functionality is available for adding attachments to tickets on the front and back-end. Older browsers that do not support drag and drop will be provided with a browse/upload button.

Email Notifications

Email notifications are sent when a new ticket is received, a customer replies, a note is added, or a private message is sent via the ticket system. They are also sent when a reminder associated with a ticket/event takes place. Staff members can configure their profiles to determine which email notifications they receive.

Enable/Disable Staff Member

Staff members can be disabled rather than deleted. This preserves their activities in the history of tickets they have worked on. Once disabled, the staff member attempting to log into the system gets an on-screen message that their account has been disabled.

Easy Import

Send/forward emails to your ticket system to quickly add something like a ticket. Any ticket can be easily added to the knowledge base for later reference in one click. These time-saving features provide maximum efficiency when delegating tasks to staff members and building your knowledge content.

Filter & Sort

Tickets can be managed, viewed, and tracked in a variety of ways. Quickly filter them by clicking any of the headers on the home view or sort them by status, who they are signed to, category, time worked, and just about any other attribute set up in the system.

Form Prefill Option

Inbound links from your website or other portals can be custom coded to prefill relevant fields on your Submit Ticket form automatically.

Knowledge Base

A knowledge base is a collection of information, articles, and archives arranged by category. A well-managed and curated knowledge base can provide major time savings by drastically reducing the number of support tickets received and provide continuity for staff members. Content can be added or edited and published as public or private.

MailGun API Support

Your ticket system can be configured to use Mailgun, a premium email service that improves and tracks email deliverability.


Ticket notes allow staff members to make comments to each other that are not visible to the customer. Attachments can be added within a note. Any staff member can add comments to a note, and the staff member assigned to the ticket will receive an email notification when a note is updated.

Overdue Ticket Notification

Tickets can be assigned a due date. Any open ticket with a due date will appear on the calendar and sends an email notification if the ticket is not completed by its due date.

Dedicated Server

All ticket systems include hosting on a dedicated server to ensure they won’t suffer performance issues, security breaches, and configuration restrictions often associated with shared hosting environments. The server is optimized to work with your ticket system, ensuring your data's speed, stability, and security.

Preview Attachments

Images, PDFs, and Microsoft Office documents can be previewed in a pop-up window before downloading.

Print Tickets

The ticket system has a print function that can ensure all tickets are “print friendly” for making hard copies if required.

Recent Tickets

The tracking IDs of the last five tickets submitted by a customer are displayed in the sidebar of a ticket. Each tracking ID provides a link to the corresponding ticket, allowing staff members to review customer history, outcomes, and actions quickly.

Reporting Function

The report function allows you to run several reports and see ticket statistics in a chosen date range. The reports provide an insight and overview of tickets processed, time spent, and staff performance.

Responsive Interface

The ticket system can be accessed from the front and back-end at all resolutions allowing staff members and customers to seamlessly access the ticket system from desktop computers and mobile devices.

Rest API

This feature allows us to integrate and configure various third-party applications into your ticket system.

Spam Prevention

Anti-spam images, anti-spam questions,s or Google Re-captcha, are the three methods of spam prevention available with the ticket system. They protect by blocking spambots traveling the web and nuisance emails sent by commercial spammers.


The search function allows you to search for a specific ticket by tracking number, subject, customer name, message, or note content.


Secure Socket Layers (SSL) is what websites and browsers use to ensure the information passed between them is kept secure and encrypted, serving as an anti-hacking shield. This is included free of charge with all ticket systems; however, additional SSL certificates may be required for ticket systems that receive traffic from military networks.

To Resolve Button

Once a ticket is completed, it can be closed in one click, moving it to the resolved status. The customer will automatically receive an email notification that the ticket has been resolved. If the issue has not been resolved to the customer’s satisfaction, they can reply to the ticket, which will result in the ticket automatically reopening.

Track Time Worked

The ticket system has a tracking function to record the time spent on a ticket. This can be done automatically or manually. The total time spent on a ticket is displayed in the sidebar of each ticket and in the report function, which is helpful for management oversite and assessing staff performance.

Training Package

We will provide training to you or a designated staff member of your choice. Training includes an in-depth overview of the ticket system’s features and how to use the various features in relation to your business. The trainee can request additional follow-up training and support by submitting a support request through our website at any time.

Tag Tickets

Tags are used in the same way that email is tagged. You can add tags to tickets to indicate they are of special importance, require additional attention, or are reviewed by supervisors and managers.

Upload Space

Each ticket system package provides for a maximum amount of data to be added and stored. This limit can be upgraded as needed by moving to a different plan.

User Ranking

Each time a staff member responds to a ticket, the customer can vote whether the staff member was helpful or not. Each vote is recorded and provides an overview of which staff members are considered the most helpful by your customers.


The ticket system can be configured with an optimal HTML editor that staff members can use to add additional formatting to email content such as bold and colored or any other HTML element.

Let Us Know What You Need

We strive to innovate and create new features based on your feedback. Our ticket system is always evolving and changing based on the demands and requests we receive from our customers.